Volume 12, Issue 3 (2024)                   ECOPERSIA 2024, 12(3): 261-281 | Back to browse issues page

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Merrikhpour H, Badamfirooz J, Moridi A, Mousazadeh R, Zarandian A, Shiranzaei S. Economic Valuation and Modeling of Multiple Threats to Water and Soil Resources using the WaterWorld Policy Support System in Karkheh National Park - Southwestern Iran. ECOPERSIA 2024; 12 (3) :261-281
URL: http://ecopersia.modares.ac.ir/article-24-75467-en.html
1- 1 Civil, Water and Environmental Engineering Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran2 Department of Agriculture, Sayyed Jamaleddin Asadabadi University, Asadabad, Iran , hajar.merrikhpour@gmail.com
2- 3 Research Group of Environmental Economics, Research Center for Environment and Sustainable Development (RCESD), Department of Environment, Tehran, Iran
3- 4 Research Group of Environmental Assessment and Risk, Research Center for Environment and Sustainable Development (RCESD), Department of Environment, Tehran, Iran
4- 5 PhD Candidate of Public Management- Decision making & Public Policy Making, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch
Abstract:   (641 Views)
Aims: This study aims to economic valuation and assess multiple threats to water and soil resources of the Karkheh National Park and Karkheh Protected Area, southwest of Iran.
Methods: Modeling water budget, runoff, soil erosion, and water pollution potential, was performed using the WaterWorld Policy Support System (WWPSS), process-based hydrological model that utilizes remotely sensed and globally available. Eeconomics value has been calculated using the Substitute Cost Method, for 2021.
Findings: The result showed that the southern area of the Karkheh River basin experienced the minimum precipitation, which has led to a decrease in vegetation and an increase in runoff generation in the southern areas. The total runoff generated in the river basin is based on the upstream-downstream relationships from the north to the south was estimated at 81000648 m3.yr-1. The soil erosion rate spiked in the southern area with the vegetation decline and the intensification of runoff could be result in water pollution. Economic valuation represents the real value of water generation in the whole Karkheh National Park and Protected Area was US$ 0.104 million, estimated US$ 6.63 per hectare. In addition, the soil conservation economic value in the entire Karkheh National Park and Protected Area was US$ 9.3 million and US$ 912.2, per hectare.
Conclusion: This information provides valuable awareness into the economic value of natural resources and can help environmental assessors activities related to conservation planning. It assists as a useful tool for emphasizing the economic implications of ecosystem degradation and can help for sustainable management.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Ecosystem Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
Received: 2024/06/4 | Revised: 2024/12/9 | Accepted: 2024/09/13 | Published: 2024/09/30

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