Volume 11, Issue 1 (2023)                   ECOPERSIA 2023, 11(1): 25-36 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghanbari S, sefidi K. Characteristics of Viburnum lantana L., Stands in the Lowest Limit of Its Distribution in the Arasbaran Forests, Iran. ECOPERSIA 2023; 11 (1) :25-36
URL: http://ecopersia.modares.ac.ir/article-24-64554-en.html
1- Associate Professor, Department of ForestryFaculty of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesUniversity of Tabriz , ghanbarisajad@gmail.com
2- University of Mohaghegh ardebili
Abstract:   (1310 Views)
Aim: Recognition of habitat status and ecological responses of species to environmental variables are prerequisites for better management and providing the ecological needs of each species. This study assessed the current status and distribution of Viburnum lantana L. and described its ecological characteristics in the lowest limit of its distribution in the northern hemisphere, Arasbaran forests.
Materials and Methods: The presence sites of Viburnum lantana L. (wayfaring trees) were selected based on the field observations and library sources, then to collect data, the 114 circular samples with a radius of 17.84 m were laid systematically and randomly out. Within each sampling area the characteristics of each woody species including species name, diameter at the breast height (DBH) and the height of all wayfaring trees and other species were measured. The relative importance value (RIV) of species across all sample plots was calculated to describe the dominant species composition.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Forest Ecology and Management
Received: 2022/10/2 | Revised: 2023/06/11 | Accepted: 2022/11/10 | Published: 2023/02/13
* Corresponding Author Address: Sattarkhan

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