About Journal

  Introduction and Scope
Introduction: ECOPERSIA as a combination of ECO referring to all different types of ecosystems and PERSIA as the old name of Iran where the journal is published. It is a Scopus-Indexed Journalfully free-of-charge, fast processing, and an international multidisciplinary journal for publication of the novel, and high-impact research in all science, technologies, engineering and managerial aspects of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. All manuscripts on the whole environment, including the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, anthroposphere, and associated aspects, are considered for processing.
Scope: ECOPERSIA is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal published by the Tarbiat Modares University (https://www.modares.ac.ir/) and by the responsibility of its Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board in the determined scopes. The editorial board of ECOPERSIA invites innovative and high-quality multidisciplinary environmental research papers with an overall effect. Studies that contribute to fundamental understanding and focus on the interconnectedness of many domains will be prioritized. Manuscripts reporting laboratory experiments and field investigation with substantial improvements in technique or mechanistic knowledge with a clear relationship to the environment are preferred. There will be no consideration for descriptive, repetitive, and research with little originality.
ECOPERSIA is an international research journal to advance scientific studies. The journal will consider submissions from worldwide on research works not being published or submitted for publication as full paper, review article, and research note. The Papers are published in English with an extra abstract in the Farsi language.
Policy: ECOPERSIA's ethical policy is based on the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Since the beginning of 2013, ECOPERSIA has been published regularly. The journal has a renowned international editorial board with substantial academic qualifications, guaranteeing that high scientific standards are maintained and that the journal has a broad international reach. To ensure the highest standards, all submitted papers are cross-checked using iThenticate software.
Ranking: ECOPERSIA with IF 2022 equals 0.518 is ranked in the top 11.8% of the ISC master journal list (https://jcr.isc.ac/main.aspx). It is indexed in the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of India Scoring List (IF=4.18). It is also a Scopus indexed journal.  

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Contact information for the journal office
Journal Address Office of Publications, Tarbiat Modares University Press, Central Library Building, Tarbiat Modarres University, Geisha Bridge, Tehran
Executive Expert

En. Padideh Sadat Sadeghi
E-mail: pssadeghi1371@gmail.com