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2322-2700 :pISSN

2538-2152 :eISSN


  • Editor-in-Chief: Seyed Hamidreza Sadeghi
  • Manager-in-Charge: Saber Khodabandeh
  • Publisher: Tarbiat Modares University
  • Journal Type: Scientific
  • Publication Period: Quarterly
  • Access Policy: Open
  • Publication Format: Electronic
      Indexed in Scopus

  Introduction and Scope
Introduction: ECOPERSIA as a combination of ECO referring to all different types of ecosystems and PERSIA as the old name of Iran where the journal is published. It is a Scopus-Indexed Journal, entirely free-of-charge, fast processing, and a national multidisciplinary journal for publication of the novel, and high-impact research in all science, technologies, engineering, and managerial aspects of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. It has profoundly received the gracious support of the World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC- http://www.waswac.org.cn/waswac/index.htm) as a worldwide academic society, established in the USA in August 1983, moved in 2003 to the International Center for Research and Training on Erosion and Sedimentation (ICRTS), Beijing, China, and ultimately from October 2010 to the International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES), also in Beijing, China.

Scope: ECOPERSIA is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal published by the Tarbiat Modares University (https://www.modares.ac.ir/) and by the responsibility of its Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board in the determined scopes. All manuscripts on the whole environment, including the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, anthroposphere, and associated aspects, are considered for processing. The editorial board of ECOPERSIA invites innovative and high-quality multidisciplinary environmental research papers with an overall effect. Studies that contribute to fundamental understanding and focus on the interconnectedness of many domains will be prioritized. Manuscripts reporting laboratory experiments and field investigation with substantial improvements in technique or mechanistic knowledge with a clear relationship to the environment are preferred. There will be no consideration for descriptive, repetitive, and research with little originality. ECOPERSIA is a national research journal to advance scientific studies. The journal will consider submissions from worldwide on research works not being published or submitted for publication as full papers, review articles, and research notes. The Papers are published in English. Papers deemed suitable are then typically sent to at least 3 independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the paper in double-blind style. The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of articles.

Policy: ECOPERSIA's ethical policy is based on the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Since the beginning of 2013, ECOPERSIA has been published regularly. The journal has a renowned international editorial board with substantial academic qualifications, guaranteeing that high scientific standards are maintained and that the journal has a broad international reach. To ensure the highest standards, all submitted papers are cross-checked using iThenticate software.

Ranking: ECOPERSIA with IF 2022 equals 0.518 is ranked in the top 11.8% of the ISC master journal list (https://jcr.isc.ac/main.aspx). It is indexed in the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of India Scoring List (IF=4.18). It is also a Scopus indexed journal.  

Peer-review process
The peer review process in ECOPERSIA is double-blinded in which the reviewer’s name is unknown to the author and, vice versa. Submitted articles go through a structural and subject evaluation to align with ECOPERSIA principles. Matches go through a double-blind peer review by three field experts (non-editorial staff) chosen by the Board based on specialty. The Board makes the final article selection.
Duties of Reviewers:
- Assist editor in decision-making and potentially help authors improve papers through editorial communication.
- Decline reviews if unqualified or unable to promptly review.
- Treat manuscripts as confidential documents and avoid unauthorized sharing.
- Conduct objective reviews, avoiding personal criticism and providing clear, supported feedback.
- Identify relevant, uncited published work and report potential plagiarism or overlap with other publications.
- Maintain confidentiality of information and ideas, avoiding personal gain or reviewing papers with conflicts of interest.

Governing body
ECOPERSIA is under the scientific control of Editorial Board whose members are recognized experts in the subject areas included within the journal’s scope. Some executive roles of the Editorial Board members are delegated to the Editor-in-Chief who is well-known in the journal’s scope.
Editorial team
ECOPERSIA is under the scientific supervision of the Editorial Team whose members are all experts with high number of publications in their field.
Author fees/Access
There are No Fees or Charges at all for submission, reviewing and publishing processes in ECOPERSIA.
ECOPERSIA follows the Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing.
The content of ECOPERSIA is under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License. To the extent this Public License may be interpreted as a contract, we are granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of your acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the Licensor grants you such rights in consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from making the Licensed Material available under these terms and conditions.
Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct
Publisher and editors of ECOPERSIA are reasonable to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, including plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication, among others. In doing so, ECOPERSIA follows COPE’s guidelines in dealing with allegations.
Ownership and management
ECOPERSIA is owned by Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, and is managed and published by YektaPub Co.
Conflicts of interests
All ECOPERSIA Editorial Board members and the Editor-in-Chief submitted articles are gone under the same reviewing process as the other authors gone. In the cases that a reviewer suspects undisclosed conflict of interest in a submitted manuscript or a reader suspects undisclosed conflict of interest in a published article (all authors are filling the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest at the submission time) ECOPERSIA will follow COPE’s guidelines.
Revenue sources/Advertising/Direct marketing
ECOPERSIA is financially supported completely by Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, and has no other sources for earning funds. ECOPERSIA accepts No advertisements in the site or even as a report article.
Publishing schedule/Archiving
ECOPERSIA is published 4 issues per year. All the content from the beginning to the end will be available for ever on ECOPERSIA exclusive website. Also ECOPERSIA is included at EBSCOhost and has the plan to enter to Scopus and Thomson-Reuters databases.


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Khodabandeh, Saber; - of Eco-physiology
Affiliation: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: surp78@gmail.com
Tel: -​
Sadeghi, Seyed Hamid Reza; Professor of Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield Modeling
Affiliation: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: sadeghi@modares.ac.ir
Tel: -​
Editorial Board

Denis,  F;
Professor of Molecular Biology and Evolutionary Genetics
Affiliation: University of Maine, Le Mans, France
Email: francoise.denis@univ-lemans.fr
Tel: +33 (24) 3833916

Sadrinasab, Masoud; - of Marine Physics
Affiliation: Khorramshahr Marine Sciences and Technology University, Khorramshahr, Iran
Email: masoud.sadri@gmail.com
Tel: -
Savari, Ahmad;  Professor of Oceanography
Affiliation: Khorramshahr Marine Sciences and Technology University, Khorramshahr, Iran
Email: savari53@yahoo.com
Tel: +98 (63) 24234400-2
Seifabadi, Seyed; - of Marine Biology
Affiliation: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: jseyfabadi@gmail.com
Tel: -
Stephanie, B J; Professor of Biotechnology
Affiliation: University of La Rochelle, La Rochelle, France
Email: sbordena@univ-lr.fr
Tel: +33 (54) 6458265
Cerda, A; Professor of Soil Erosion
Affiliation: University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Email: artemio.cerda@uv.es
Tel: +34 (96) 3864882
Dianati Tilaki, Ghasemali; - of Rangeland Ecology
Affiliation: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: dianatig@modares.ac.ir
Tel: -
Erfanzadeh, Reza; - of Range Management
Affiliation: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: rezaerfanzadeh@modares.ac.ir
Tel: -
Hosseini, Seyed Mohsen; - of Forest Ecology
Affiliation: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: hosseini@modares.ac.ir
Tel: -
Mizuyama, T; Professor of Soil Erosion
Affiliation: Kitashirakawa-oiwakecho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Japan
Email: mizuyama@kais.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tel: +81 (75) 7536087
Najafi, Akbar; - of Forest Engineering
Affiliation: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: a.najafi@modares.ac.ir
Tel: -
Safaeian, Nosratollah; Professor of Rangeland Management
Affiliation: Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran
Email: safaian_nosrat@yahoo.com
Tel: +98 (911) 1566815
Singh, J K; Professor of Soil Conservation
Affiliation: G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India
Email: singh_jk2002@yahoo.co.in
Tel: +91 (5944) 233546
Singh, V P; Professor of Hydrology
Affiliation: Texas A&M University, College Station, USA
Email: vsingh@tamu.edu
Tel: -
Tabari, Masoud; Professor of Silviculture, Afforestation
Affiliation: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: mtabari@modares.ac.ir
Tel: -
Vafakhah, Mehdi; - of Water Resources
Affiliation: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: vafakhah@modares.ac.ir
Tel: -
Walling, D E; Professor of Hydrology and Fluvial Geomorphology
Affiliation: University of Exeter, Exeter, England
Email: d.e.walling@exeter.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0) 1392 723345
Younesi, Habibollah; - of Biochemical Engineering
Affiliation: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Email: hunesi@modares.ac.ir
Tel: -

Completing and signing the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest is necessary for all authors, and the article's submission will not be accepted without filling this form. Also, all authors must sign the Authors Introduction and Commitment Form and declare the number, order of appearance, contribution, and affiliation of authors and transfer the right of publishing to ECOPERSIA.
The submitted articles will be sent to the reviewers after primary acceptance by the Editor-in-Chief according to the adaptation of the subject to ECOPERSIA scopes and the structural principles of the article that must be as this instruction. ECOPERSIA has the right of rejection or acceptance and also editing the articles. After final acceptance by ECOPERSIA Editorial Board, the articles will be completely revised by the Editorial Team members scientifically, structurally, and methodologically and the galley proof will be sent back to the corresponding author for final confirmation. The authors are responsible for the precision and correctness of the content.
How to submit the article
Article admission can only be performed electronically via ECOPERSIA exclusive website. Please avoid postal or email submitting.
The steps of electronic submission of the article are as follows (submitting, reviewing, and publishing article are completely free of charge):
  1- Go to the ECOPERSIA exclusive site: journals.modares.ac.ir
  2- Select "submit an article" in For Authors section in the left menu bar of the site.
  3- The submitter has to first register and wait for administrator confirmation.
  4- Select and confirm the number of authors, article type, and subject(s) of the article in step 2.
  5- All parts should be filled in step 3. Note that even if the system confirms the submission, the article will be sent back by the administrator in case of insufficiency of the data or not sending the article's files by the mentioned order. The Main file must be a Microsoft Office Word 2003 file containing the whole article parts.
Notice: The article submitter is considered the corresponding author for all affairs about the article, and all further connections and data transmission will be done with him/her. The corresponding MUST be from the authors.
How to prepare the article file
The entire text should be typed as a single column (Font size: 12; Font type: Cambria; Line spacing: 1) in A4 paper size with 3 cm margins from top, bottom, left, and right page. The article file should contain four separate parts: Cover Page (1 page), Abstract (1 page), Text Body (several pages), References List (appropriate number according to article type), Figures, and Table. All parts have to be presented as a whole in one file.
Cover Page
1- The title of the article should be written at the top (Write the running title below the title of the article).
2- Authors must be mentioned separately in order of appearance on the article with the following data (Please notice the authorship principles from here):
First name & Surname
Academic Degree (Ph.D., M.D., M.Sc., etc.)
Affiliation (Department/Research Center, School/Institute, University, City, Country)
(Cell Phone Number, Telephone Number, Fax Number, Post Address, and Email are just necessary for the correspondent).
1- The abstract of all types of articles must have Aims, Methods, Findings, and Conclusion sections and should not be less than 150 and more than 250 words.
Notice: The abstract does not have any introduction and is not an introduction to the article. An abstract should express the maximum data related to the article in the minimum possible volume.
2- The keywords must be 3 to 6, alphabetically arranged and separated by semicolon.
Text Body
1- The section titles and word numbers of the text bodies are different according to the type of article.

Original Research
Description: These articles are the result of authors’ researches and must have intervention and data analysis processes (not descriptive).
Sections: Introduction, Materials & Methods, Findings, Discussion, and Conclusion
Authors Limitation: Accorded to the research size
Words Limitation: 3000 to 5000 words
References Limitation: Min. 25 and Max. 40 with maximum citation of related papers published in former issues of ECOPERSIA.
Diagrams Limitation: Max. 10 (Tables, Charts, Figures or Pictures) in total and preferably distributed equally. 

Qualitative Research
Description: In the fields that the direct investigation of parameters is not possible, the research can be done regarding the opinion of the experts qualitatively by appropriate documentation.
Sections: Introduction, Participants & Methods, Findings, Discussion, and Conclusion
Authors Limitation: Accorded to the research size
Words Limitation: 3000 to 5000 words
References Limitation: Min. 25 and Max. 40 with maximum citation of related papers published in former issues of ECOPERSIA.
Diagrams Limitation: Max. 6 (Tables, Charts, Figures or Pictures) in total and preferably distributed equally. 

Short Communication
Description: Original researches in the novel fields of research with a low number of references that mainly introduce new achievements although having a low number of words.
Sections: Introduction, Materials & Methods, Findings, Discussion, and Conclusion
Authors Limitation: Accorded to the research size
Words Limitation: 1500 to 2000 words
References Limitation: Min. 10 and Max. 15 with maximum citation of related papers published in former issues of ECOPERSIA.
Diagrams Limitation: Max. 2 (Tables, Charts, Figures or Pictures) in total and preferably distributed equally. 

Descriptive & Survey
Description: Articles that report descriptive data by checklists or questionnaires and have no intervention and data analysis. These are not considered research articles and can be just accepted according to their substantial practical aspects.
Sections: Introduction, Instrument & Methods, Findings, Discussion, and Conclusion
Authors Limitation: Accorded to the research size
Words Limitation: 2000 to 2500 words
References Limitation: Min. 10 and Max. 50 with maximum citation of related papers published in former issues of ECOPERSIA.
Diagrams Limitation: Max. 4 (Tables, Charts, Figures or Pictures) in total and preferably distributed equally. 

Systematic Review
Description: Review article with research structure that experts in the field of research write. The material of these articles is other research papers in the field that should be analyzed thoroughly. 
Sections: Introduction, Information & Methods, Findings, Discussion, and Conclusion
Authors Limitation: Accorded to the research size
Words Limitation: 4000 to 6000 words
References Limitation: Min. 40 and Max. 60 (At least 10 references from the authors) with maximum citation of related papers published in former issues of ECOPERSIA.
Diagrams Limitation: Max. 4 (Tables, Charts, Figures or Pictures) in total and preferably distributed equally. 

Analytic Review
Description: Review articles that are written by one expert in the field of research. The author is usually invited by the Editor in Chief to write a review in the desired field, and this kind of article is not accepted by newcomers without enough original researches in the field.  
Sections: Introduction, Sections by Author (6 to 8), and Conclusion
Authors Limitation: Accorded to the research size
Words Limitation: 8000 to 10000 words
References Limitation: Min. 40 and Max. 100 (At least 10 references from the author) with maximum citation of related papers published in former issues of ECOPERSIA.
Diagrams Limitation: Max. 4 (Tables, Charts, Figures or Pictures) in total and preferably distributed equally. 

Case Report/Series
Description: In exposure to rare case(s), the researcher can report the patient's condition, treatment methods, and conclusion. 
Sections: Introduction, Information & Methods, Findings, Discussion, and Conclusion
Authors Limitation: Accorded to the research size
Words Limitation: 1000 to 1500 words
References Limitation: Min. 10 and Max. 15 with maximum citation of related papers published in former issues of ECOPERSIA.
Diagrams Limitation: Max. 2 (Tables, Charts, Figures or Pictures) in total and preferably distributed equally. 

Letter to the Editor/ Editor-in-Chief
Description: This kind of article is written in answer or critic to the published articles of the journal.  
Authors Limitation: Corresponding author
Words Limitation: 800 to 1000 words
Diagrams Limitation: No Diagrams
2- All articles MUST have Acknowledgments, Ethical Permission, Authors Contribution, Conflicts of Interest, and Funding/Supports sections at the end. If there is nothing to report in each case, use "None declared by Authors".
Mentioning the references in all necessary cases should be fully observed (the referencing guide can be found here). To mention a reference, the numbering system should be used (Vancouver Style). Thus, the references should be listed in the reference list based on the order of use in the main text, and they should be numbered orderly. Where ever necessary, the number of the given reference should be brought in brackets []. If there is more than one number in a [], the numbers must increase from left to right and be separated by "," (e.g., [8, 11, 42]. If there are more than two following numbers, they must separate with "-“(e.g., [12, 25, 32-38, 44-51].
Notice that the only valid references for scholarly articles are peer-reviewed content, mean published articles in peer-reviewed journals; books, web pages, conference papers and posters, thesis and dissertations are not appropriate references for scholarly articles. Due to this, at least 80% of the cited references of the submitted articles MUST be published articles in peer-reviewed journals. The reference list MUST exactly follow the samples list given below:
1. Wemple B.C., Browning T., Ziegler A.D., Celi J., Chun K.P., Jaramillo F., Leite N.K., Ramchunder S.J., Negishi J.N., Palomeque X., Sawyer D. Ecohydrological disturbances associated with roads: Current knowledge, research needs, and management concerns with reference to the tropics. Ecohydrol. 2018; 11:e1881.
2. Raeisi A., Talebi A., Abdollahi K., Torabi Haghighi A. Effective factors on runoff generation and hydrologic sensitivity in a mountainous watershed (A case study: Farsan Watershed, upstream of Karoun River). ECOPERSIA 2020; 8(1):15-21.
3. Azad S., Manik M.R., Hasan S., Matin A. Effect of dif­ferent pre-sowing treatments on seed germination percentage and growth performance of Acacia au­riculiformis. J. For. Res. 2011; 22(2):183-188.

1- All tables, charts, and pictures are numbered in order of appearance in the article under the unique title of “Figure”.
2- Figures must not repeat each other’s data or text data.
3- The description of figures should be clear and complete without the need to refer to the text.
4- Each figure should be placed on a separate page in the original size, and the description should be written on the same page above (tables) or below (charts, figures, and pictures).
5- All maps must be embedded by detailed information and pasting the essential names, e.g., the Persian Gulf or the Caspian Sea, on Iran Map.
6- In charts, the original excel file (or other formats) must be sent.
7- All attributes of the figures and maps have to be fully readable and clear.

Units and dimensions
Please insert all dimensions in superscript style written by small letters (except for those standard form has been designated) with a dot in between main units (For example t.ha-1 or Mj.ha-1.mm.h-1).